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Words of Love

Words of Love is a painting I struggled to finish. It sat on my table in a pile of unfinished work for months. I started with the Angels and the hearts, but I could not imagine what they were doing and why they wanted to be discovered in my painting.

Sometimes, I overthink, and it stops me in my tracks. I was afraid to ruin what I had quickly started and thought about a new home in the trash, but I loved the falling hearts, full of color and potential, so the painting waited for me to be ready to hear what needed to be spoken in images and words.

I took my watercolor sticks of pure color and began to add color depth. Once the paint dried, I began to write all the unspoken words of love in my heart. I wondered why we hold back telling the people we love why they are so important. I wrote words I wished I had spoken and words yet to be spoken.

How many words have been left inside a heart waiting for the right moment, never to be spoken out loud? I wonder how the world would be different if words so deep and true were conveyed to the people that needed to hear them?

Love waits for our voice for the power of truth to light the way.

What words of love are waiting in your life to be spoken - words waiting for the breath of life to fill the world?


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