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The Chokhmah-Wisdom of Change

"To pray is to regain a sense of the mystery that animates all beings, the divine margin in all attainments. Prayer is our humble answer to the inconceivable surprise of living."

Abraham Joshua Heschel, I Asked for Wonder

Sometimes it takes years to understand the meaning of small changes in our lives. The small changes are like leaves falling in October; bit by bit, they flow off the tree and down to the ground, hardly noticed until one day, the landscape looks different.

I've always imagined changing more like a north wind fearlessly blowing through, shaking the house, and blowing my hair mercilessly. I have an image from Mary Poppins of the old sea captain announcing the wind ahead.
But, in truth, this is never how change happens. Instead, it is a slow process, a gift of the universe that gives us time to adjust if we notice.

What happens when we finally see the impact of the small changes? The answer for me is a personal reflection, an opening of the space in my heart to see the wisdom in the changes finally, the love that is waiting to transform.

Ultimately, change is a connector from one version of ourselves to the next. In nature, we see the snake shed its skin and go through a period of blindness before reemerging stronger and bigger, ready for the next step. The process is less tangible for us. Instead, it's an inner shedding, clearing out the clutter of what no longer serves us to make space for the light of the Divine presence to dwell and coalescewith our inner spirit. When we allow the process, we make our body and soul a holy place of transformation.
There have been many times when I could not allow the process to unfold when my fear of the unknown was more significant than the possibility of universal generosity. Yet, I have learned that wisdom (Chokhmah) and Chesed. (Loving-kindness) are at the core of who we are, waiting to blossom and grow to our true majesty. Therefore, we need to make space for them to dwell with us.
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